Here’s how to stay healthy over the festive season

  • Post published:December 12, 2018

We can’t deny that the holidays are all about indulgence with family feasts, Christmas treats and loads of baked goods almost everywhere you look! However, all the over-indulging could leave you feeling bloated, heavier and far from all the progress that you made sticking to a regular healthy eating plan. We put together some tips to show you how to stay healthy over the festive season, without missing out on all the deliciousness! 

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The amazing health benefits of bitters

  • Post published:July 19, 2018

The use of bitters dates back to hundreds of years ago, where it was first used by monks for medicinal purposes. The popularity of bitters soon grew in Europe in the 1600s where they were used as appetite stimulators before a meal. It was only later in 1824 that Dr. Johann Gottlieb Benjamin Siegert created the world famous recipe of aromatic bitters for Angostura.

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5 ways to stay healthy on the weekend

  • Post published:June 22, 2018

Let’s face it, during the week it’s much easier to get your life on track – you workout regularly, you’ve been making healthy food choices, and you haven’t been skipping meals or indulging. Suddenly it’s Friday night and you’re in front of the TV, surrounded by snacks and junk food. The next two days you may over-indulge and make unhealthy choices that leave you feeling awful. Ring a bell? Here are some easy ways  you can stay healthy on the weekend

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